Castro M1
is a sleek little bike designed for urban cyclists.
The minimalist
bicycle is designed, manufactured, and assembled in Barcelona, it was
imagined and built to meet the demanding lifestyle of urbanites, it is
adaptable to a variety of people with different riding styles, and is
quick and easy to store, the kind of bike you could just pick up and
Its slim stainless steel frame can be folded in no time to occupy
only 23 cm (9 inches) of space, and can be stored anywhere.
The more our phones do, the more they demand of us. Say it with words.
Focus on what matters most and leave the rest. The MP 01 is a simple
mobile phone for smart communicators.
The MP 01 by Punkt, is a mobile phone striped down to its bare essentials. Punkt Phone is a mobile phone that´s just
that, a mobile phone that sticks to its core functions, calling and
It aims to be somewhat liberating, because you don´t have to
check your status or notifications every two seconds and because Punkt
Phone keeps it simple.
This Swiss made device gets up to one month of
battery time on standby or 290 hours of talking time! You also get a two
inch LCD display, a calendar, an alarm and contacts manager.
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basics in a high quality item.